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Come and See
During the course of the year, the Priests of the Sacred Heart host "Come and See" weekends. The purpose of these weekends is to provide men, who may be considering a religious vocation, with an opportunity to meet some members of our community, hear about the life we lead, the ministry we do, and pray with us. On these weekends there is a strong focus on discerning a religious vocation.
Explore the call to religious life.
If male, over eighteen years of age, and if you are interested in participating in a Come and See weekend, please contact the Vocation Director by email, phone or mail.
Exploring the possibility of a calling to religious life

Candidacy - An applicant who has been accepted as a candidate lives in a residence of the community. This initial phase has a twofold purpose. It gives you a chance to discover who we are on a day to day basis, and it gives us a chance to discover who you are. The focus of this period, which usually lasts up to two years, is discerning and acclimatizing. If you begin to identify with the vision that holds our community together, and experience the peace that comes from a sense of belonging, then you are probably moving in the right direction. Prayer, guidance and the experience of community life are essential to the work of discerning whether God's plan for you includes membership in our community. During this time, candidates are given an opportunity for academic upgrading, theology studies and ministry.
Novitiate - One year of novitiate follows the candidacy period. This is a privileged year. Freed from academic involvement and from salaried employment, novices prepare for a formal commitment through the vows of poverty, consecrated celibacy and obedience. Prayer, study, ministry, spiritual guidance and reflection are major components of the year's program.
Temporary Commitment - During the period of temporary commitment the newly-professed, normally called brother, makes a formal commitment for one year, by professing the vows of consecrated celibacy, poverty and obedience. This commitment proclaims that God is the one reality necessary for our lives, and the search for God is the central task of our lives. During the period of temporary commitment, the brother enters a program of formal preparation for ministry and becomes incorporated into the community by participating fully in its life and activity. After three years in temporary vows, brothers may make the request for permanent commitment.
Contact Us

Please use the form below or use the
information provided to contact us
about any questions you may have.
Your discernment is important to us
and important to the church.
VOCATION OFFICE 58 High Park Blvd. Toronto, ON M6R 1M8 Phone: 416-531-1454 Email:
Tell me more!
If you would like to see if this is where God is calling you, contact the Vocation Office. This will begin the process to be accepted as a candidate. »