Who are we?

"The best part about being an SCJ is watching the community grow in love and growing with it."
- Father Rein van Leeuwen, SCJ.
Who is an SCJ?
Most of us have spent a lot of time reflecting and meditating about the love of God. We have remained SCJs because, at some point in our lives, most of us got a glimmer of this love. It has kept us going. You couldn’t survive if you did not believe in the love of God.
What does it mean to be an SCJ?
An SCJ is a dedicated and committed person whose mind and spirit are often engaged with how he can make this a better world for everyone. He lives in a community where he prays and lives with others who are similarly inclined. God and the person of Christ play a major role in his live. If you ask him about the purpose in his life, he would probably say: “I want the world to know about God's love.”
What do SCJs do?
Father Dehon, our Founder, was a person who placed great value on understanding the real hopes, disappointments and hungers that exist among people. This was his starting point for ministry. It led to a broad scope of ministry through which people could experience the limitless love of the Heart of God. His priorities were ministry to workers and the poor, education, and the missionary activity. Today our work is as varied as the possibilities and the many cultures in which we serve. Whatever our ministry, our primary task is to reflect the loving compassion of God.
What are some current ministries in Canada?

Toronto - The Priests of the Sacred Heart first came to Canada to minister to French and later Dutch-speaking immigrants. Today, in Toronto, that tradition continues in a variety of ministries, including Becoming Neighbour, the first time that men and women religious have come together to work in a joint, collaborative ministry. Presence, prayer and solidarity are the underpinnings of Becoming Neighbours. They focus on ways in which to help the immigrant acclimatize to his or her new home.
Montreal - Founded in 1953 by the Priests of the Sacred Heart, Séminaire du Sacré-Coeur, located in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, is a high level academic school from grade 7 to grade 11 for 480 students. Pictured is Father Richard Woodbury, SCJ, who ministers as chaplain to the school.
Ottawa - Fr. Gustave Lulendo, SCJ, originally from the Congolese Province, arrived in Ottawa, Canada, January 2008. He shared: "that the Canadian winter frightened me at first, but little by little I am getting used to it". Father Gustave is currently doing graduate work in ethics at St. Paul University and pastoral ministry with the Ottawa Congolese community.
Meet an SCJ : Father Roger Phaneuf, SCJ

During the preparatory retreat for the first profession of vows, I was struck by the words of the book of the prophet Micah, chapter 6: verse 8: "What is good has been explained to you. This is what Yahweh asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God."
- Father Roger Phaneuf, SCJ
The Lord calls each one of us in a different way through a variety of circumstances. My call to religious life and to the priesthood is not something extraordinary. Born in Montreal in 1938, I grew up in a modest family that grounded me in Christian values nourished by prayer and the Sacraments. Like most people of my generation, I was an altar server. Three times a week I served at the 7:00am mass. Before leaving for work, my dad would wake me up and I believe I was never late.
Christian groups in which I became involved: the Legion of Mary, the Croisès, the Missions Committee, became for me the first call to do more. So in 1952, the associate pastor of my parish asked me if I had given any thought to becoming a priest. My response was instantaneous. This priest, Fr. Jacques van Hoek, SCJ introduced me to the Priests of the Sacred Heart and its founder, Fr. Dehon.
In 1953, the Congregation (that is, the Priests of the Sacred Heart) opened a minor seminary at Pointe-au-Chêne. I was sent there as a student and remained there right up to 1960. That same year, I entered the novitiate located in the United States.
During the preparatory retreat for the first profession of vows, I was struck by the words of the book of the prophet Micah, chapter 6: verse 8: "What is good has been explained to you. This is what Yahweh asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God." I professed my first vows September 8, 1961.
A few days before my ordination in 1967, I read these words in our Rule of Life: “We are called to serve the church as Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Our response to this call presupposes a spiritual life --- under the guidance of the Spirit and particular attention to what --- corresponds to the faith experience of the Fr. Dehon.” On February 24 of that year, I was ordained a priest of the Sacred Heart. This was the beginning of a magnificent interior adventure in which I have attempted to be as faithful as I possibly could to the ideal to which I had committed myself.
I have received the gift of faith, the call of my vocation and the Word of God as my guides. Now retired, I more often have the time to nurture my relationship with the One who guides me. Despite my imperfections, he chooses to have need of me. He does not forget. He has a good memory. He is faithful. Yes, God keeps his word.
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